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SIAM Journal on Computing

ALERT ATTENTION: System maintenance will be performed the weekend of Saturday, March 28, 2009. This event will begin at 6:00 am on March 28 and will conclude at approximately 12:00 noon on Sunday March 29 (all times EDT). Some Scitation services may be affected during this period.

Table of Contents
Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 1-346

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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On the Dynamic Finger Conjecture for Splay Trees. Part I: Splay Sorting log n-Block Sequences

Richard Cole, Bud Mishra, Jeanette Schmidt, and Alan Siegel

pp. 1-43

On the Dynamic Finger Conjecture for Splay Trees. Part II: The Proof

Richard Cole

pp. 44-85

On RAM Priority Queues

Mikkel Thorup

pp. 86-109

Robot Navigation with Distance Queries

Dana Angluin, Jeffery Westbrook, and Wenhong Zhu

pp. 110-144

Preemptive Scheduling of Parallel Jobs on Multiprocessors

Xiaotie Deng, Nian Gu, Tim Brecht, and Kaicheng Lu

pp. 145-160

Nonuniform Discretization for Kinodynamic Motion Planning and its Applications

John H. Reif and Hongyan Wang

pp. 161-190

Allocating Bandwidth for Bursty Connections

Jon Kleinberg, Yuval Rabani, and Éva Tardos

pp. 191-217

Motion Planning of Legged Robots

Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Olivier Devillers, and Sylvain Lazard

pp. 218-246

Tight Fault Locality

Shay Kutten and David Peleg

pp. 247-268

Convergence Criteria for Genetic Algorithms

David Greenhalgh and Stephen Marshall

pp. 269-282

A More Efficient Approximation Scheme for Tree Alignment

Lusheng Wang, Tao Jiang, and Dan Gusfield

pp. 283-299

Beyond Competitive Analysis

Elias Koutsoupias and Christos H. Papadimitriou

pp. 300-317

On the Difficulty of Designing Good Classifiers

Michelangelo Grigni, Vincent Mirelli, and Christos H. Papadimitriou

pp. 318-323

Two-Prover Protocols---Low Error at Affordable Rates

Uriel Feige and Joe Kilian

pp. 324-346